Friday, May 22, 2015

Here's one of my favorite Tarot spread "Relationship motivation"

Hi everyone, I'm back.It's quite a long time since I wrote a post on my blog.As a Tarot/Rune consultant , I have found that most people request readings about love and money.

This is a nine card Tarot/Rune  spread when you need  to find out some more info about a person and What are his/her  motives in your relationship.
It is suitable for any relationship not just romantic.

1.What's he/she/your partner hiding from you?
2.What he/she will keep telling you( insist on)
3.What he/she’s really thinking
4.Advice for 
5.What he/she,your partner will do (in reality)
6.what is relationship built on(for him/her/your partner)
7.Where the relationship is now( current state)
8.Where things are headed in the next few months
9.What's the real reason(motive) for his/her  behavior 
attitude of mind or mood ( understanding someone's motives can let you interpret his behavior)

This is  old spread (don't even remember from where a got it), but wanted to say that I am using this with amazingly accurate results  on Manara tarot and Runes.I've always been more of a rune casterYou can use this spread with any Tarot cards.

Thanks for reading my post.

© Maya Fonavi